The Quranic Perspective on Psychopathology and Psychotherapy: a Comprehensive Guide for Psychotherapists of Islamic World
Stigmatizing and underutilizing mental health services are mostly because of the beliefs people develop about psychopathology and psychotherapy. Cultural and religious values have been regarded extremely important in shaping these beliefs. The applicability of Western psychotherapies has also been questioned in the non-Western cultures. Practicing psychotherapy with the ones whose minds are heavily occupied by religious beliefs requires sufficient consideration to the religious and spiritual aspects of one’s personality along with incorporating the basic psychotherapeutic themes. The religious beliefs can be used as agents of change in the psychotherapeutic process. The current study has compiled relevant and essential references from Quran that intend to serve as basic guidelines for psychotherapists dealing with Muslim clients. The paper discusses the most fundamental Quranic beliefs on mental health that the therapists can incorporate in their psychotherapeutic approaches to ease the psychotherapeutic process and have an effective psychotherapy with Muslims.
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