The on Authentic Leadership with Adversity Quotient as a Mediator: Study among Millennial Leaders

  • Melati Hafizha Supardi Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Bagus Riyono Universitas Gadjah Mada


This study examines the role of anchor virtues towards authentic leadership with adversity quotient as the mediator among 125 millenials who have assumed leadership positions, such as chief in their startups, leader of organizations, and awardee of leadership scholarships. The measurement used Riyono’s (2020) Anchor Personality Inventory to measure the strength of virtues orientation, Stoltz’ (1997) Adversity Response Profile to measure Adversity Quotient, and self-rating of Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (Walumbwa et al., 2008) to measure authentic leadership. It is hypothesized that virtue, adversity quotient, and authentic leadership have significant correlation and adversity quotient can mediates the relationships among virtue and authentic leadership. The result corresponds with the hypothesis. However, for the future research, it will be more comprehensive if the measurement of authentic leadership was using both self-assessment and followers-assessment.


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