Exploring The Character Strength of Indonesian Muslim Students
Students in Islamic higher education institution are part of the next Muslim generation. They will have significant role to build the nation and ummah in the future. To be able to improve the quality and well-being of Muslim future generation, it is imperative to explore the character strength of Muslim University students. This research aims to inquire the student’s character strength in a private Islamic University in Jakarta. Quantitative approach is applied to explore the indicators of character strength among the research subjects. The data was collected with a questionnaire based on adaptation of Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) scale. The data was obtained from 315 students from several faculties in a private Islamic University in Jakarta. The result suggests that out of 24 characters, 5 characters are quite dominant among the research subjects. These characters are gratitude, love of learning, kindness, citizenship, and bravery. Discussion, limitations, and suggestions are explained in the end of the paper.
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