Traffic Accident Victim with Spinal Cord Injury in Indonesia: Islamic Value for Children with Traffic Trauma

  • Nadia Hanum University of Leipzig
  • Konrad Reschke
Keywords: trauma, spirituality, Islam, traffic and transportation psychology


The rate of accidents in Indonesia is increasing from year to year. Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) reported , in 2012, there were 117.949 number of traffic accident killed person with 29.544 accidents , 39.704 accidents with serious injuries and 128.312 slightly accidents. Accident victims are not only adults, but also children and not a few of those who became disabled due to an accident. Physical paralyzed in bottom down of their body develops anxiety, instable emotion, denial, feeling sad and hopeless. Islam teaches us about dealing with sickness and depression. It shows in Qur’an “Mankind there has come to you a guidance from your Lord and a healing for (the diseases) in your hearts, and for those who believe a guidance and a mercy”. This article discusses the case of an 11 years old boy who became paralyzed in an accident and how the struggle of a mother to her son with uplifting Islamic values. In depth interviewed and observations made during the first week after the accident and after discharged from Surakarta Orthopedic Hospital (Prof. Dr. Soeharso Hospital). Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-IV (CAPS) translated in Indonesia and it was used as interview protocol. The results suggest that Islamic values such as accepting and patient of Allah test and trial on child of accident victim with permanent disabilities needs to be done to optimize for recovery and rehabilitation.


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