Correlation of Faith Education and Social Emotional Skills Perceived by Early Elementary Children’s Parents
All parents want to provide good education for their children, therefore a lot of parents seek for school that can provide religious basis in daily teaching method. Getting religious basis from childhood, was expected to form a strong foundation for children emotional and social development skills. This phenomenon caused the increasing amount of schools that adopt religious basis in their curriculum. One of those schools is KAF, a school that adopt maktab teaching principle as one of the earliest form of Islamic teaching. KAF also applied “Manners before knowledge. Faith before Alqur’an” principle that was adopted from Imam Malik. There are two research purposes in this study, first is to correlate Islamic faith education and children social and emotional skills, and second to compare the emotional and social skills of children who enrolled in KAF and children from other schools that did not adopt maktab principle. The measurement of children social and emotional skills contains three dimensions which are persistence, self-control, and social competence. These dimensions were measured using social emotional skills scale adopted from O’Connor, et al (2012). Meanwhile faith education by parents was measured using faith indicator summarized from faith concept of ‘Ibn Taimiyyah in Habsyi (2010). Participants in this research are 52 parents who have children age 5-7 years old. Results showed there is a significant correlation between faith education and social and emotional skills (r=.302, p < .05), andthere is no significant difference in social and emotional skills between children who submitted to KAF and to other schools, although parents who submitted to KAF show higher mean score in Islamic faith education. Some limitations of this study are the small amount and homogenous participants.
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