The Concept of Fitrah in Islam from a Multidimensional Perspective
The concept of fitrah is analyzed from multiple perspectives, particularly in the context of Islamic teachings. This multidimensional principle underscores the integral role of fitrah in all aspects of human existence on earth, as it can fundamentally inform an individual’s lifestyle choices. While Islamic teachings provide specific standards, such as those of abdillah (servant of God) and khalifatullah (vicegerent of God), there are instances where fitrah may require re-institution or restoration to its primordial state due to various external influences. This study aims to explore the notion of fitrah within the Islamic framework from a multidimensional perspective. Utilizing a literature review with a qualitative approach, the research demonstrates that fitrah can be understood through diverse viewpoints, all of which relate to inherent aspects of human nature. According to Islamic thought, human nature is fundamentally pure and inclined toward goodness. However, external factors, including environmental and hereditary influences, can sometimes redirect this inherent inclination. Consequently, the extensive scope of the concept of fitrah remains pertinent for ongoing study as long as human beings continue to be examined.
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